The relative weight of shape and non-rigid motion cues in object perception: A model of the parameters underlying dynamic object discrimination

This is a paper with my colleague Quoc and his collaborator Alinda over in Canada. Once again, my contribution is a tedious appendix filled with equations. Quoc and Alinda were interested in how much we recognise objects by their shape, and how much by their characteristic motion. We’ve probably all had the experience of recognising a friend from behind by their gait, for example. Quoc and Alinda came up with cool stimuli which could be differentiated either by their shape, or by their movement, or both. I helped develop a cue-combination model to quantify how much weight people were giving to each cue.
File Size3.6 MiB
DateFebruary 16, 2012
AuthorVuong QC, Friedman A, Read JCA