First post!

This being my first blog post I feel I should explain my position in the lab and what it is I am doing. I came over to the Institute of Neuroscience on the back of a Masters degree in Games Engineering. The project I started for my Masters Dissertation in conjunction with the Institute is the project I am now working on as a Research Assistant. The project is to create an Android based stereoscopic vision test in order to judge the stereoacuity of children with visual problems that may affect depth perception. The aim at the moment is to create an environment that has all of the graphical touches removed that would normally identify the app as for children. The reason for this is that the core of the test takes priority over graphical alterations as they aren’t needed for a fully working test environment.

At the moment the main problem I’m facing is the accuracy of the test, the smallest disparity attained on the 3D phone is still too large. This means that I will be required to render the testing environment at a sub-pixel level and will need anti-aliasing to help display this. It is a fairly large task but with some possible advice from my Masters supervisor I should be able to complete the task. I am also working on a small program to help picture the sub-pixels of the LCD to better understand the hardware. This has been achieved with the help of the staff at Bio-Imaging. I took an initial image of the red, green and blue pixels but I also now need to see if I can get an image of the 3D mode enabled with a black image in one eye and a white image in the other eye. This would allow me to see what the Parallax Barrier does to the pixels while 3D mode is enabled.

These are the tasks that will keep me busy for the next few weeks until anti-aliasing is completed.

James Burridge.

Week 5 already??

The time flies when you’re having fun! (and lots of work!)

Keeping comfortably on top of my work and finding every lecture informative and interesting in it’s own way. A lot of the stuff I am learning now is completely new to me, so while I am still playing catch up I find it all very illuminating, particularly the last two weeks talks on the retina, which tied very nicely into seminars on bionic eyes and eye tracking technology. I have been a little remiss on my statistics (it’s just a bit mundane at the moment) but I am going to set that right this week. I have finished and handed in my first assignment (unassessed with behaviour) and have my fingers crossed the first report I have written for next to 6 years is going to be well received. Starting to wonder about what to do a presentation on in sensory systems and I might try to work it around either the retina or possibly even binocular viewing and the paper “why pictures look good” if I can wrangle it!

Personally the weekend had it’s ups and downs, went shopping in Ikea for furniture! and hopefully we’ll be getting the house on wed. I got a new tattoo on the saturday because my rugby game was off, which stung quite a bit I might say!