Read Lab Blog

Data collection

posted by Paul Hands on June 19, 2013

This week I have been working very hard at data collection. Getting the cubes (which we managed to get correctly aligned last week) into a workable experiment program took some debugging but we got it sorted shortly after the Leicester … Continue reading

Psychtoolbox MakeTexture

posted by Jenny on June 6, 2013

I was just having a problem with MakeTexture in Psychtoolbox. I like to use PsychImaging(‘AddTask’, ‘General’, ‘NormalizedHighresColorRange’); so that black=0 and white=1, not 255. This makes my code transfer easily to high-bit-depth devices like my DATAPixx. But I was having … Continue reading

OpenGL and NEPG

posted by Paul Hands on June 4, 2013

Last weeks debugging finally came to fruition on Friday, with Jenny and myself knocking our brains together for the past 3 days and coming up with the solution to the problem. After altering the viewing frustum using some mathematics and … Continue reading

A week of debugging

posted by Paul Hands on May 24, 2013

This week has been a very varied and interesting one. I began by sorting out some acetate sheets for my perspex from which I could draw some stimulus, have them represented on the computer, and then check to see if … Continue reading


posted by Jenny on May 23, 2013

Dropped into the Newcastle Makerspace last night and had a friendly welcome. Definitely need to start going to that and getting creative in a geeky way.

Slow and Steady wins the race.

posted by Paul Hands on May 17, 2013

I have spent the entire week battling with OpenGL. OpenGL is a graphics program that is supposed to make life easier for you by doing much of the hard calculations to project an object correctly onto the screen. Unfortunately this … Continue reading

A frustrating week

posted by Paul Hands on May 3, 2013

This week I have been working with the problem of trying to add some solidity to my wire frame cubes via putting surfaces on them. Which sounds fairly trivial but has taken me the best part of a week to … Continue reading

Picturing science

posted by Jenny on April 26, 2013

Our energetic team submitted a number of entries to the Royal Society’s Picturing Science competition.

Kids Kabin in Walker

posted by Paul Hands on April 26, 2013

The time certainly does fly when you’re busy! Since my last blog post I have worked hard on the stimuli to get them to work as we hope they would, and have sorted out an occluder (something to block the … Continue reading

Welcome Ronny!

posted by Jenny on April 26, 2013

And I’m delighted to announce that Ronny Rosner is the third and final member of the M3 team. Ronny already has considerable experience studying neuronal processing by both behavioural and electrophysiological approaches in flies and locusts, including both extracellular and … Continue reading

Mantid photos

posted by Jenny on April 26, 2013

Lisa’s been taking more fab photos of the mantids. They are so cool! Here are some photos showing our experimental set-up.

Graphs are good

posted by Jenny on April 24, 2013

All week Lisa’s been a bit gloomy about the behaviour of the mantids. Apparently they have not been cooperating well, doing defensive postures at the screen or even jumping off their perch. But she’s plugged doggedly on with true PhD … Continue reading

Welcome Ghaith!

posted by Jenny on April 20, 2013

Ghaith Tarawneh is the second person to accept one of the M3 positions. Ghaith is just writing up his PhD in Microelectronic Circuit Design in the Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering department here at Newcastle. He also has a MSc … Continue reading

Yoshifumi’s visit July 2012

posted by Jenny on April 18, 2013

Yoshifumi Yamawaki kindly came to visit us in July 2012 and gave us some tuition in mantid experimental techniques. We didn’t have a lab blog at the time, but I thought I should do a post about it.Here, he shows … Continue reading

Welcome Vivek!

posted by Jenny on April 14, 2013

Delighted to welcome Vivek Nityananda as the first of the three Leverhulme-funded research associates working on the “Man, Mantis and Machine” project. Vivek currently holds a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship from the European Union. For this, he’s working on … Continue reading

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