Read Lab Blog

Zoltan’s diary: Thursday 14/02/2013

posted by Zoltan Derzsi on February 14, 2013

The computer booted up today without any major hassle. I had display. I am impressed! Finished the first version of tests. What caused the flicker wasn’t by Windows, it was Matlab writing to the console. By suppressing the messages, I … Continue reading

Zoltan’s diary: 12/02/2013

posted by Zoltan Derzsi on February 13, 2013

This day started as a problematic one: almost the whole day passed when I finally got my admin account for the computer. And that’s when the steamroller started! When I am in a project, I make sub-units in order to … Continue reading

Completed my first ever report!

posted by Paul Hands on February 13, 2013

The mouse experiment has finished and went exceptionally well, with the mice all being very well behaved and doing what we hoped! I have now finished my first ever report, being from a maths background, and I think it is … Continue reading

A guide to applying for scientific jobs

posted by Jenny on February 11, 2013

Having been doing some recruitment recently, I thought I’d share these thoughts prompted by the experience. 1. Find out the name of the scientist you are applying to work with, and address your letter “Dear Dr Read” or whoever. If … Continue reading

Getting the basics right.

posted by Jenny on December 6, 2012

#Irony. I’m writing this from a professional 3D conference, where lots of people, including myself, have spoken at length about how to make good 3D. Then last night the conference screened a 3D film which I personally found near unwatchable. … Continue reading

First post!

posted by James Burridge on November 16, 2012

This being my first blog post I feel I should explain my position in the lab and what it is I am doing. I came over to the Institute of Neuroscience on the back of a Masters degree in Games … Continue reading

Starting to seriously pick up speed!

posted by Paul Hands on November 16, 2012

My workload has started to increase and while I feel the pressure I like to believe I am positively thriving off it! I have never enjoyed university as much as I am now. Over the last 2 weeks I have attended many lectures, … Continue reading

Week 5 already??

posted by Paul Hands on November 16, 2012

The time flies when you’re having fun! (and lots of work!) Keeping comfortably on top of my work and finding every lecture informative and interesting in it’s own way. A lot of the stuff I am learning now is completely … Continue reading

Ars magna…

posted by Jenny on October 29, 2012

A mixed morning. Am trying to write a review, which I’d really like to get off my desk. Am enjoying the opportunity to read around the literature, revisiting old papers, discovering new ones, and thinking deep thoughts about the entire … Continue reading


posted by Jenny on October 20, 2012

Had most of the lab round to our house last night, except for poor old Paul and Parto who have been smitten by a classic start-of-academic-year lurgy (hope you are both feeling better). It was a nice opportunity to get … Continue reading

A trip to Leeds

posted by Jenny on October 18, 2012

The rest of the week will be very different. Yesterday, Parto and I and one of her other supervisors, Andrew Trevelyan, travelled down to her funder, Epilepsy Action. We had an interesting morning undergoing epilepsy awareness training, and then met … Continue reading

Productive meetings

posted by Jenny on October 17, 2012

Had a good day yesterday, just the sort of day I like. Had very productive meetings with my collaborator Claire, PhD student Paul and research assistant James. And in between, I even managed to do some more on my paper. … Continue reading

Week three and still very new!

posted by Paul Hands on October 16, 2012

‘Straight into the deep end’ is how I think I’ll remember my first few weeks at postgrad level! Lots of new things to learn and research quickly, none of the namby-pamby spoonfeeding you got at undergrad here! Spent last week … Continue reading

Welcome to the world of post grad :)

posted by Lisa Hindmarsh on October 16, 2012

My first few weeks of my MRes have been fantastic! I’m enjoying all of my modules so far and they all stand out for different reasons. The Animal behaviour module involves a lot of interactive learning, discussions and debates which keeps the brain … Continue reading

A productive start to the week

posted by Jenny on October 16, 2012

A nice window in the diary with nothing else on, so I’ve been able to spend Monday and Tuesday just… working! I’ve been cracking on with one of the many papers on my “need to write up” list, and have … Continue reading

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