Different memory systems in food-hoarding birds: A response to Pravosudov

We recently showed that food-hoarding birds use familiarity processes more than recollection processes when remembering the spatial location of their caches (Smulders et al., Animal Cognition 26:1929-1943, 2023). Pravosudov (Learning & Behavior, https://doi.org/ https://doi.org/10.3758/s13420-023-00616-x , 2023) called our findings into question, claiming that our method is unable to distinguish between recollection and familiarity, and that associative learning tasks are a better way to study the memory for cache sites. In this response, we argue that our methods would have been more likely to detect recollection than familiarity, if Pravosudov's assertions were correct. We also point out that associative learning mechanisms may be good for building semantic knowledge, but are incompatible with the needs of cache site memory, which requires the unique encoding of caching events.
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DateJuly 2, 2024
AuthorSmulders TV, Read JCA